... Oh dear, I am writing a blog. How does one begin a blog?
I suppose I could begin with who I am. Many of you reading this probably already know who I am, but for the benefit of the (probably nonexistent) readers that don't, here goes.
My name is David Chen (As you may have guessed from the title of the blog. Good job, you!). I'm 17 years old at the time of this writing and live in Colorado. I graduated from the International Baccalaurate program in high school a few months ago. And... well, I'll deem that sufficient for the time being.
Why does someone start writing a blog, anyways?
My Life Since Graduation
Okay. I can do this! Rewind three months, to just after graduation. Pretty good ceremony. I must admit, however, that I'm still not convinced that I am, indeed, graduated. Hopefully it'll set in soon. So. Graduation's over, and my family's off to California. Left the night of graduation, so I wouldn't have to go to any graduation parties. Wait, that came out wrong. Anyways, we were in California for a week, visiting Yosemite, Sequoia, and Kings Canyon National Parks. Suffice to say, I saw a lot of mountains and a lot of trees. Good trip.
As for what I've been up to since we got back... well, I think I might need some more subtitles for that.
Work and Play
I've been working three or four days a week since we got back. It's probably better for me than sitting around at home all day, anyways. We had planned to go to China this summer as we've done in years past, but with the Worlds Fair in Shanghai (where my mother's family lives), it'd be altogether too hectic. So, instead, I'm workin'. Keeps me busy, I guess.
Despite that, I've still got a ridiculous amount of free time - more than I know what to do with. I find that I like to be engaged most of the time, and so do my best to find things to do. Since summer started, I've gone through four 1000+ page novels in a series (now working on a 5th). I'm also continuing to practice taekwondo (though we're off this week). Beyond that, as insane as it sounds, I've been learning things. I figured out a Calculus 3 topic that I should be covering next year, multiple integration, the other day and plan to continue with that (Mr. Stearns, if you're reading this, what were some of the other topics you mentioned?).
The Big Day
... That was yesterday. IB test scores released! I'd rewind again and tell the harrowing story of how nervous I was, but I'd be lying. Truth be told, I've never been too worried about this sort of stuff. I won't bother putting up my scores (I assume I'm allowed to share them, anyways), but yeah, I passed and earned my diploma. Yayhooray. Which, I suppose, prompts a few messages to hopefully-possibly-readers. Quickly, look for your name!
Ms. Morgan: Thanks again for being my EE supervisor! It was a great experience (even the awful smell) and I really appreciate your guidance during the whole process. Also, your name gets to appear twice!
Ms. Morgan and Ms. Talle: Thanks for all your work in preparing us for the test. I felt extremely comfortable with the topics being tested - which was unthinkable a few years ago. Also, Ms. Talle: Thanks again for those smoothies!
Mr. Buck and Mr. G: I took the IB Math test last year, but a thank-you is still in order. Thank you for teaching the techniques and, in another sense, the mindset needed to excel in math. (Mr. Stearns: Your thank-you comes later, since AP test scores aren't out yet - to my knowledge, anyways - but, in preparation for the more serious one, thanks for allowing all of that Scrabble at the end of the year!)
Mr. Mehlbach: I've always been better with analysis and the significance of historical events than remembering the specific dates, but you prepared me to do both in an engaging and challenging setting. Thanks! (Insert bow here.)
Mrs. Kirby: Thanks for teaching me to enjoy poetry - I was never a huge fan of it prior to your class. Thanks also for helping me be able to express myself better through discussion, etc.
Looking to the Future
Ah, yes. THE FUTURE. A place of mystery and wonder! A time when we shall be assisted by robotic helpers to - oh, wait, not that far into the future.
I'll be attending CU Boulder next year, and majoring in Biochemistry (Probably a crazy choice, but oh well - I've ever been the math/science type). I'm going to orientation... exactly one week from today, actually, and I realized the other day that I have no idea what I'm doing as far as class registration and such goes, being the first in my family to go to college here in the States. Should be an interesting experience.
Apart from that, I'm not overly concerned about the transition to college. They also say that the transition from middle to high school is big, but if I remember correctly, that wasn't too bad, either. Sure, this one's going to be more major, but I'm not worried. Let's hope!
So that's that, then. I've finished my first blog post! That wasn't so bad. Now let's see if I can keep this up.
Hi David!! Sounds like your summer is exactly as it should be...relaxing. Congrats on the IB scores, although I'd love to know how you did! Can you also pass that around to others you may be in contact with? We get them in August but that's just way too late for me! Anyway, love the blog and will keep reading!
ReplyDelete(Ms. Talle)
Ms. Talle: Since you're curious, I got a 6 on the bio test. :)